By Sani Idris

The Kaduna State Government, in collaboration with the Joint Tax Board (JTB), has begun a three-day training for tax officers drawn from the North-West region on tax audit, compliance and enforcement.

Speaking at its opening on Wednesday in Kaduna, the Executive Chairman of the State Internal Revenue Service (KADIRS), Mr Jerry Adams, said tax audit and investigation were critical components of an effective tax administration system.

He said that they ensure compliance, promote transparency, and deter tax evasion, thereby safeguarding the revenue that is vital for the development of the state and nation in general.

Adams, therefore, said,”The training programme has been designed to equip
tThe tax officers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to carry out the
functions with utmost efficiency and integrity.”

He described tax officers as the custodians of the public trust, responsible for ensuring that all taxable entities fulfill their obligations.

Adams added that their work directly impacts the government’s ability to provide essential services, build infrastructure, and foster economic growth.

The executive chairman said the complexities of tax administration demand continuous update of skills and adapt to new challenges.

He, therefore, said the training provided an excellent opportunity
to learn from experts, share experiences, and adopt best practices in tax audit and investigation.

“This training is a testament to our commitment to professional
development and excellence.

”By investing in our human capital, we are not only enhancing our capacity to perform our duties but also reinforcing the foundation of trust and accountability that is crucial for a robust tax system,” Adams added.

The executive chairman emphasised the importance of collaboration and synergy among tax authorities in the North West region.

He stressed, “By working together, sharing Information and supporting each other, we can overcome common challenges and achieve our collective goals more effectively”.

Adams urged all the stakeholders to remain steadfast in their commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and transparency.

“The knowledge and skills you acquire during this training will not only enhance your personal competence but also contribute significantly to the overall efficiency and
effectiveness of our tax administration,”he said.

Adams thanked  JTB for its dedication to improving tax administration through continuous learning and capacity building.

Speaking to newsmen after the opening, the Secretary of JTB, Mr Olusegun Adesokan, said they conducted a need assessment of some sub-national revenue authorities.

He said that they have realized that their first skills-gaps were tax audit, investigations, compliance and enforcement.

Adesokan, therefore, said the training was a response to the identified gaps, which would ensure the tax officers from the zone acquired the knowledge and skills in the identified tax operations.

He stated that scaling up the knowledge and skills of the tax officers would translate to more revenue to their respective states.

Adesokan added that JTB had organised the training all over the country, where they started with the South-South zone, North-Central and would also cover the North-East, South-West and South-East.

Speaking on tax evasion, the secretary said it was caused by lack of data by the revenue authorities.

“One of the things we do at the JTB is to mobilize data for the revenue authorities. We are working on drawing data which we will share with revenue authorities so they can see the economic activities of taxpayers.

“Tax payers will no longer be able to hide their incomes and activities from the authorities.

”This training will equip the tax officers on engagement on the field to pick information they require to access tax payers,”he said.

Earlier declaring the training workshop open, the Deputy Governor of the state, Hajiya Hadiza Balarabe, urged all the participants to remain steadfast in their commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and transparency.

She said the knowledge and skills they would acquire during the training would contribute significantly to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of tax administration in the region.

Balarabe restated Gov. Uba Sani’s commitment to the development of the state and improving the lives of the citizens.

She, therefore, urged the people of the state and the NorthWest in general to ensure voluntary tax compliance so as to energise the government to do more for the development of the people.(NAN)